Our Mission
Our Vision
Poligon Education Fund (Poligon) is a national, nonprofit organization that fosters meaningful and long term relationships between the Muslim community, allies, and members of Congress. Poligon promotes positive policy change by teaching Congressional advocacy skills to the American Muslim community and educating policymakers on issues important to them such as Islamophobia, civil rights, and social, racial, and economic justice.
At Poligon, we seek to create an America where Muslims feel empowered to make their voices heard in the halls of Congress and where representatives actively seek input from Muslim constituents in the policy making process. We believe American Muslims and allies should be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and access to participate in the democratic process.
Our History
Following the 2016 election, anti-Muslim sentiment in the public and private spheres soared to its highest levels since 9/11. Children were bullied in schools by both teachers and peers, American Muslims faced daily public harassment, and anti-shariah legislation was introduced and passed in states around the country, threatening to eliminate the fundamental rights of Muslims to pray, fast, and give charity as prescribed by their faith. To make matters worse, after a contentious presidential campaign that vilified Islam and Muslims, President Trump issued travel ban barring Muslims from entering the U.S.
It was against this backdrop that Poligon was established in January 2017. Poligon Education Fund aims to empower American Muslims in the political sphere, particularly Congress, an area that the community hasn’t traditionally engaged in. Through public education and Congressional engagement, we are helping to shape an America where all people, regardless of background, are treated with equality, justice, and dignity and can live together in peace and security, regardless of the political party in power in Washington. |