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Weekly Hill Happenings
February 2, 2018: GOP Policy Retreat, State of the Union, Government Surveillance Controversy, Studying Auto Insurance Discrimination, Permanent Tax Cuts for Americans Act, STOP School Violence Act, Immigration Innovation Act, Ensuring Full Participation in the Census Act.
February 9, 2018: Government Shuts Down Again, BUILDS Act, Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, McCain-Coons Immigration Plan, Uniting Families Act, STRIVE Act.
February 16, 2018: Appeals Court Rules Against Muslim Ban 3.0, Trump Budget Released, Immigration Debate, Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, ADA Education and Reform Act, Election Security Act.
We're Hiring!
- Legislative Fellow (full-time, paid, Washington, DC)
- Marketing & Social Media Intern (part-time, volunteer, remote)
Stay active,
Ayesha, Afif, Nadia, Wardah, and Farah