From all of us at Poligon Education Fund, we wish you a very happy Ramadan, filled with self reflection, service, and faith. It is easy to feel defeated these days, in the midst of heightened Islamophobia and chaos on the national and global level, but we hope Muslim Americans will join us this holy month in stepping back and reflecting on our values of peace, justice, and pluralism - as well as our ability to create real positive change in our country. As God tells us in the Quran, "Oh you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God." (Surah An-Nisa:135).
May this month be a time of spiritual blessing and rejuvenation for us all.
The Poligon Team
P.S. As Ramadan is a time of great generosity, will you make a $100 donation to support our work? All contributions are Zakat eligible and tax deductible.
Upcoming Events
We are partnering with Everytown for Gun Safety to help turn America orange. 93 Americans are killed and hundreds are injured by gun violence every day. We must do more to end it. Show your support by creating your own #WearOrange image on social media and attending a related event in your area. Call your legislators and ask them to Wear Orange as well. Together, we can make America safer.
Looking for a fun way to give back this Ramadan? Sign up for the Fasting 5K: DC challenge! Proceeds raised will be donated to Poligon to create and deliver Congressional Advocacy workshops for youth on engagement around issues like Islamophobia and bullying.
Poligon in the Community
Our first in-person workshop was held in Washington, D.C. Co-hosted with MUPPIES DC, it covered how policy is made in Congress, as well as best practices for Congressional visits and town halls. Participants left motivated and equipped with the tools needed to actively engage their representatives. If you are interested in bringing this workshop to your state please email us at [email protected].
Poligon participated in the Rise Up protests in D.C. in support for immigrant rights, along with hundreds of thousands across the country "to demonstrate the power, resilience and strength of immigrant communities in America." (
Poligon attended and live tweeted the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the rise of Religious Hate Crimes. However, no Muslim individuals or organizations were included on the panel, despite the community being severely affected by religious hate crimes.
We co-sponsored the Muslim Ban press conference outside Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond VA, where the travel ban hearing was held. The court later denounced the ban and determined that it “speaks with vague words of national security, but in context drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination” wrote U.S. Chief Circuit Judge Roger Gregory. #NoMuslimBanEver
We've been keeping you up-to-date on the latest on Capitol Hill with our Hill Happenings going straight to your inboxes every Friday.
Hill Happenings - May 5, 2017: Government shutdown and the new spending bill, the repeal of Obamacare, the new Executive Order allowing religious groups to retain tax-exempt status while politically active, and highlights from the Senate Judiciary hearing
Hill Happenings - May 12, 2017: Congress reacts to Comey firing, new G.O.P. Health Bill in Senate is being written by 13 men...and no women, House Republicans experience hostile town halls after passing bill to repeal Obamacare, and Action Alert on the Muslim Community Week of Resistance
Hill Happenings - May 19, 2017: Over 40 Civil Rights groups urge Congress to vote “NO” on warrantless searches, Senate Republicans run into early obstacles drafting Healthcare bill, Equality Act of 2017, and Freedom from Discrimination in Credit Act
Hill Happenings - May 26, 2017: Access to Health Insurance Coverage Bill, Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017, The Renew Act, Mulvaney testifies on Trump's 2018 budget proposal, CBO scores Republican repeal bill, 4th Circuit Appeals Court upholds Muslim-Ban injunction, and Action Alert - call your representative about the ACT for America "March Against Sharia" protest