Congressional Advocacy 101 Webinar with Stand With Me: Our first webinar was attended by Muslims and allies across the country, and covered how to prepare for meetings and town halls with one’s representatives and getting up to speed on relevant legislation. Keep an eye on your inboxes for future webinars!
We met with fellow Muslim changemakers from across the DMV area to collaborate and learn about other organizations. Partnering with outside groups is a cornerstone of Poligon, and allows us to tap into the wealth of talent in our community, the most diverse religious group in America.
Co-Founder Wardah Khalid spoke on the importance of civic engagement in Islam at #CitySundays on a panel with ImamSuhaib Webb. It was a thought provoking and critical discussion as we try to move forward during this historic moment.
We've been keeping you up-to-date on the latest on Capitol Hill with our Hill Happenings going straight to your inboxes every Friday.
Hill Happenings - March 31, 2017: AHCA failed before the House vote, bills against the religious registry, executive orders, the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act in the House and Senate, the SOLVe Act 2.0
Hill Happenings (4/7/17): Senate stall on Gorsuch nomination, Gorsuch alarming non-committal position on Civil Rights, Equal Pay Day- reintroducing a bill to close the pay gap
Hill Happenings (4/18/17): Government shutdown showdown, Islamophobe Daniel Pipes hosted on Capitol Hill, bill to protect data at the border, the new Health Care amendment
Stay active,
Afif, Nadia, and Wardah